How Do Soil Bacteria Get Their Energy?

Many organisms live in our crop soil. Just like the food chain on the macro level, a similar food chain exists on the micro level. Organisms on all levels are constantly vying for energy. Organisms that impact soil health include single-cell bacteria, fungi, nematodes, earthworms, plants, and insects. As the food chain progresses, these microscopic and macroscopic organisms grow and move through crop soil, enriching it along the way. How do soil bacteria get their energy?

Four Ways Soil Bacteria Get Their Energy

  • Decomposition of manure
  • Decomposition of plants
  • Sequestration of nitrogen
  • Consumption of other microbes

Benefits of Increased Soil Bacteria on Crop Growth

  • Enhancement of soil aggregation (the binding of soil particles to one another)
  • Increased infiltration (movement of surface water into the soil)
  • Increased soil porosity (the space between soil particles)
  • Increased conversions of applied materials
  • Increased reproduction of valuable humus stores
  • Increased responsiveness to chemical and fertilizer input
  • Reduction in toxins and heavy metal residue

Which Products Can Increase Beneficial Soil Bacteria?

Since everything we apply to our farm ground must go through a biological process in order to work, doesn’t it make sense to include an input that maximizes soil bacteria?

The chemicals and fertilizers you apply to your farm ground will always work more effectively when there is a healthy biological foundation in place. The following products will work together not as miracle cures for your crops, but as synergetic and accumulative soil health enhancers.

Soil Bacteria

PS-FOUNDATION 1-0-1: The Yield Builder!

Dramatically improve your soil’s ability to work for you.

PS-FOUNDATION™ (1-0-1) is a plant and soil nutrient concentrate consisting of quality fertilizers, vitamins, enzymes, organic acids, chelated trace minerals, humates, kelp and a powerful non-ionic surfactant-compatible.

PS-STARTER PRO 1-3-1: The Fertilizer Booster!

Boost the efficiency of everything you apply to your soil.

PS-STARTER PRO™ (1-3-1) is specifically formulated for compatibility and use with high phosphorus (starter) fertilizers or as a starter by itself.

TRIPLE 3 (VITAL BOOST) 3-3-3: The Foliar Feed!

Energize your crops with micro-nutrients, vitamins & enzymes.

TRIPLE 3 VITAL BOOST™ (3-3-3) is a high-quality, liquid, foliar-nutrient spray for actively growing plants.

TOP 3 ADVANCED: The Foliar Feed 2.0!

Enhance crop health and fruit set consistency.

TOP 3 ADVANCED FOLIAR FEED™ combines 3 proven technologies into one product.

IPS-100: The Soil Conditioner!

Improve pore space in marginal and problem soils.

IPS-100™ is designed to improve pore space near the rhizosphere, allowing increased oxygen flow.


Our products are specifically designed to increase the energy in the soil by increasing the soil bacteria in the soil and increasing the root growth of the plant. It doesn’t really matter what type of crop you’re growing, because our below ground soil management products influence root mass. ANY CROP THAT GROWS IN SOIL WILL BENEFIT.

Our products will allow you to gradually decrease your soil inputs, increase your soil energy, and ultimately increase your yield potential. Trust our products to produce softer soil and deeper roots. Contact Pro-Soil Ag Solutions today!