Can Biological Farming Help Increase Crop Yield?

Biological farming is a system that uses nature and science to build the quality of the soil with the understanding that healthy soil will be able to support healthy crops. Biological farming means using natural systems to improve soil structure to control weeds, pests and diseases in order to improve crop quality. It takes advantage of natural processes rather than relying on chemical processes. These natural processes include crop rotations, best tillage methods, growing green manures, reducing toxins, promoting soil life and balancing the soil’s minerals. Pro-Soil relies heavily on biological farming to help farmers increase crop yields.

Soil that is healthy contains a balance between the organic particles that serve as plant food and the living micro-organisms like bacteria, fungi and algae. These organisms process and decompose the inert mineral and organic materials, thereby feeding the plants. An optimally productive soil contains a perfect balance of inorganic minerals, organic (carbon-based) materials and living organisms. Excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides can upset this balance in the soil, the exact opposite of what is required.

The biological approach to farming yields soil that is healthy and able to support healthy crops. These crops contain higher concentrations of plant sugars, minerals and amino acids, which generates higher nutritional value for those crops.

Biological farming is by no means the easiest method of farming but the results are worth it. Our products improve soil health by stimulating and feeding native microbial life in the soil which creates a higher yielding crop.

Pro-Soil products are guaranteed to improve soil health which will allow farmers higher yielding crops in the growing and harvest seasons. Our other products have been tried by many large scale farming operations, have undergone lab testing and have consistently improved overall soil health, especially with continued use.

Have questions about our industry leading Pro-Soil agricultural products? Contact us online or give us a call at 1-800-714- 4903.  We can assist farmers who are looking to improve soil health, generate high yields and implement biological farming practices.