Understanding Biological Soil Management, Nitrogen, and Soil pH

In recent years, working farmers have seen an increasing need for soil inputs to achieve desired crop yields. The need for increased inputs is driving up costs and reducing net profit. One of the vital inputs for all crops is fertilizer, and one of the major nutrients in fertilizer is nitrogen. Studies indicate that use of biological soil management on preexisting farms can reduce the nitrogen necessary for yield goal requirements. Do your soil pH a favor by using Pro-Soil Ag Solutions.

Nitrogen’s Influence on Soil pH

Fertilizers can be composed of a broad range of nutrients. The primary nutrients in most fertilizers are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Between these three primary nutrients, nitrogen affects soil pH the most. Nitrogen can increase a soil’s acidity and alkalinity depending on what kind of nitrogen gets used. Common nitrogen sources are either nitrate or ammonium based, with the nitrate-based products producing a lesser acidic effect on the soil and the ammonium-based having a greater acidic effect on the soil. One of the surest ways to ensure crop yield goals is to maintain a targeted soil pH.

Biological Soil Management’s Influence on Soil Inputs

Biological soil management can reduce your minimum inputs and increase maximum yields. The University of Illinois released a 10-year study indicating that use of biological soil management on preexisting farms can reduce nitrogen needs while still meeting yield goal requirements. The program is simple; it’s easy and can be done without spending any more than you are right now.

What Are the Best Products for My Soil pH?


PS-FOUNDATION 1-0-1: The Yield Builder!

Dramatically improve your soil’s ability to work for you.

PS-FOUNDATION™ (1-0-1) is a plant and soil nutrient concentrate consisting of quality fertilizers, vitamins, enzymes, organic acids, chelated trace minerals, humates, kelp and a powerful non-ionic surfactant-compatible.


PS-STARTER PRO 1-3-1: The Fertilizer Booster!

Boost the efficiency of everything you apply to your soil.

PS-STARTER PRO™ (1-3-1) is specifically formulated for compatibility and use with high phosphorus (starter) fertilizers or as a starter by itself.


TRIPLE 3 (VITAL BOOST) 3-3-3: The Foliar Feed!

Energize your crops with micro-nutrients, vitamins & enzymes.

TRIPLE 3 VITAL BOOST™ (3-3-3) is a high-quality, liquid, foliar-nutrient spray for actively growing plants.

biological soil management


TOP 3 ADVANCED: The Foliar Feed 2.0!

Enhance crop health and fruit set consistency.

TOP 3 ADVANCED FOLIAR FEED™ combines 3 proven technologies into one product.


IPS-100: The Soil Conditioner!

Improve pore space in marginal and problem soils.

IPS-100™ is designed to improve pore space near the rhizosphere, allowing increased oxygen flow.


Pro-Soil Ag Solutions can help you get your input costs under control. Our will allow you to gradually decrease your soil inputs, increase your soil energy, and ultimately increase your yield potential. Trust our products to produce softer soil and deeper roots. Contact Pro-Soil Ag Solutions today!