Understanding Biological Farming

Microbes in the soil are important to the nourishment of plants. Many of them facilitate the chemical conversions and physical transport needed to make nutrients available. Some people claim that soil microbes should supply all the nutrients needed by plants, but that’s a lot of work.

Microbes that help supply phosphorus (P) form an association with plant roots. The association is called “mycorrhizae”, a term that means “fungus-root.” Fungi explore the soil better than roots because their hyphae are narrower. They can bring P to the root from as far as 4 in. away. Biostimulants that are found in our products promote biological farming and soil health, it all starts at the root.

biological farming

Metabolism provides the power and framework necessary to sustain plant life, but biostimulants produced within the plant itself that regulate the speed of growth and coordinate various parts to produce the form we recognize as a plant. These materials, also known as plant hormones, phytohormones, or plant growth regulators, have the potential to facilitate a wide range of processes including seed germination, root/shoot growth, vegetative growth, flowering, fruit set, growth and development in a way that will improve the overall production.

Our superior soil and plant nutrition products are just a piece of the puzzle. Pro-Soil offers hands-on in-field evaluations, group educational seminars, test-plot field days and educational newsletters, bulletins, whitepapers and field guides to help inform today’s progressive, innovative growers about the exciting potential benefits that our Below Ground Management program offers – including how it can increase “Above-Ground Profits.”

The basis for biostimulant activity lies in its ability to interact with a network of endogenous biochemical mechanisms within the soil itself, allowing growers to combine both science and nature in a regular management and agriculture system that improves the overall efficiency of the soil. Biostimulants are an invaluable tool in a grower’s toolkit and management system and their use in your soil management plan increases the likelihood of success with a corresponding diminution of risk.

Maximize agricultural profits on every acre you farm through the power of biological fertilizer and soil management.

At Pro-Soil Ag Solutions we don’t have all the answers, but have shown time and again that we can help the farmer improve his soil’s biological health, thereby allowing complete conversion and uptake of nutrients.

The farmer gets more bang for his fertilizer buck and gradually reduces his inputs. Since efficiencies are improved, you make a more net profit by lowering operational costs per acre!

Contact Pro-Soil Ag Solutions today!