Gradual Input Reduction, Bring Your Soil Back to Life

The reason biological farming is so successful is that it addresses the issues in the chemistry and biological makeup of the soil below ground, not just above.

Thousands and thousands of American farmers have gradually made the move from chemically intensive farming to a new biological farming system, one that nurtures fundamental soil life and inherent mineral in the soil, yielding healthier crops and higher net profits per acre.

At Pro-Soil Ag Solutions we know that soil nutrition and stimulants alone aren’t the full answer, but they will help your future in farming. The biological farming industry and soil systems place great emphasis on rebuilding and restoring the vast stores of beneficial bacteria, carbon, and hummus.

The main concern for proper soil management is to focus on “nutrient balance.” In our last two blogs we dove into the importance of cations and biostimulants and their individual roles in soil health – in this installment, we will talk about the advantages (and best practices) of using cations and biostimulants in unison to create nutrient balance.

In reality, to return a soil to its natural microbial activity, it would take years of no production on the land. But, using a quality biostimulant system that fuels microbial activity and cation relationships to the soil is the solution in reaching as close as possible to the original biological activity in the soil before production began.

A sound understanding of how your alfalfa, soybean, or corn crop utilizes the elements is essential to achieve increased crop yields.  In its natural form, most soils in the world are equipped with sufficient quantities of the elements essential for plant growth.

bring your soil back to life

In the world of agricultural crop production, however, soils become depleted of these essential components and require biological soil amendments in order for crops to remain productive.  Improving root health can be as simple as reducing your use of heavy farm equipment.  Compaction, most often caused by overuse of agricultural equipment, will reduce your crop’s ability to thrive and produce high crop yields.

Gradually bringing your soil back to life will start with a below ground management system. Fully bringing back your soil calls for you to gradually reduce input, but if that can’t really be done, that’s when Pro-Soil Ag Solutions comes in.

At Pro-Soil, we understand the problems facing the commercial agriculture industry today and we’re committed to helping our customers take advantage of the knowledge and emerging technological resources made possible through more than 30 years of research and development in biotechnology for sustainable agriculture.

Contact Pro-Soil today and let us help you craft a below ground management system that will work for you and your farm.