Official Pro-Soil Blog

Microorganisms and Plant Pathogens

It is noteworthy that most of the microorganisms encountered in any par­ticular soil are harmless to plants with only a relatively few that function as plant pathogens or potential pathogens. Harmful microorganisms become dominant if conditions develop that are favor­able to their growth, activity and reproduction.   Under such conditions,   soil­ borne pathogens (e.g., fungal pathogens) […]

Controlling Microflora for Optimum Crop Production

For many years microbiologists have tried to culture beneficial microorganisms for use as soil inoculants to overcome the harmful effects of phytopathogenic organ­isms, including bacteria, fungi, and nema­todes. Such attempts  have usually in­volved single applications of pure cultures of microorganisms which have been largely unsuccessful for several reasons. First, it is necessary to thoroughly under­stand […]

Controlling the Soil Microflora for Optimum Crop Production and Protection

The idea of controlling and manipu­lating thes oil microflora through the use of inoculants, organic amendments,and cultural and management practices to cre­atea more favorable soil microbiological environment for optimum crop production and protection is not new. For almost a century, microbiologists have known that organic  wastes and residues, including animal manures, crop residues, green ma­nures, […]

Beneficial Microorganisms

The use of mixed cultures has been criticized be­ cause it is difficult to demonstrate con­clusively which microorganisms are re­sponsible for the observed effects, how the introduced microorganisms interact with the indigenous species, and how these new associations affect the soil plant environment. Thus, the use of mixed cultures of beneficial micro-organ­ isms as soil […]

Beneficial and Effective Microorganisms

Unfortunately, certain microbial cul­tures have been promoted by their sup­ pliers as being effective for controlling a wide range of soil-borne plant diseases when in fact they were effective only on specific pathogens under very specific conditions. Some suppliers have sug­gested that their particular microbial in­oculant is akin to a pesticide that would suppress the […]

Scouting Fields and Crops from a Below Ground Perspective

Many times I have heard growers who have started using a Biological Soil Management Program, comment that “they drove by the field but couldn’t see any difference.” Not Surprisingly … as University study shows that it will take approx 30% difference in yield to create a visual change, while results like that can and do […]

Natural Ecosystems Application

The misuse and excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides have of often adversely affected the environment and created many problems associated with a) food safety and quality and b) human and animal health. Consequently, there has been a growing interest in na­ ture fanning and organic agriculture by consumers and environmentalists as possible alternatives […]

Soil Tests, Earthworms, and Native Soil Biology

“It is scientifically proven fact that mychorrizal fungi form a symbiotic relationship with plants to convert and bring nutrients to the root zone.” Soil Tests – More than just Fertility Recommendations? Taking and understanding your soil tests is crucial to building a balanced program that will maximize results and give success on your farm. Because […]

Experts Report on Important Role of Biologicals

“In the top 6 inches of soil, every 1% organic matter contains 25 lbs Nitrogen, 10-12 lbs Phosphorous and Potassium” As a Company, we believe that every acre of farmed ground will benefit by incorporating a biological program into its fertility Program. This due to the fact that the microbial life in the soil is […]