
Preservation of Natural Resources and the Environment

Effective soil management practices through the use of Pro-Soil agricultural products is the key towards increasing soybean crop yield and preserving farmland.  The excessive erosion of topsoil from farmland caused by intensive tillage and row-crop production has caused extensive soil degradation and also contributed to the pollution of both surface waters and groundwater. Organic wastes […]

PS- Foundation 1-0-1 Results

Pro-Soil FOUNDATION 1-0-1 has consistently boosted crop yields in comparative studies in Iowa, Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas and elsewhere with different hybrids, under a variety of conditions and in no-till to conventional tillage operations. In independent, replicated trials on Corn and Soybeans conducted by Phoenix Technologies in Southwestern Kansas in 2008, Pro-Soil FOUNDATION […]

Soil Management: Digging a Soil Pit

Jodi Dejong-Hughes digs deep into her soil research as a University of Minnesota Extension educator. In-field soil pits are one of her favorite teaching tools for revealing to farmers the importance of deep soil structure – and the and the importance of soil management. Her message is twofold: What occurs on top can either enhance […]