

Pro-Soil Ag Solutions, Inc. combines knowledge that goes back to early farming practices with modem organic molecular chemistry and biotechnology. The result is one of the biggest changes in farming since the advent of fertilizer – an innovative system that dramatically improves your soil’s ability to work for you. Improves it so well in fact, […]

Nitrification of Soil

Soil bacteria play a vital role in the nitrification process, which releases ammonium from organic matter and transforms it into nitrate, which can be used by plants. The bacteria responsible for nitrification exist mostly in the top few centimeters of the soil profile. The bacteria work as a team. One group of bacteria, called ammonium […]

Managing organic matter

Land management practices that conserve and enhance organic matter and soil organisms will help sustain soil health. Organic matter stabilises soil structure by binding particles together to form aggregates, which reduce erosion and provide a habitat for soil organisms. During organic matter decomposition, micro-organisms may tie up soil nutrientstcmporarily, which would otherwise be leached or […]

Pro-Soil 100 bushel per acre Soybean Crop

Pro-Soil biological farming and soil amendment system can help increase your crop yield. Learn how you can have a 100 bushel per acre soybean crop by watching the video below.


PS-Foundation 1-0-1  has consistently boosted crop yields in comparative studies in Iowa, Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas and elsewhere with different hybrids, under a variety of conditions and in no-till to conventional tillage operations. In independent, replicated trials on Corn and Soybeans conducted by Phoenix Technologies in Southwestern Kansas in 2008, Pro-Soil FOUNDATION improved yield […]

How to Produce 100 Bushel Soybeans recently wrote a review about how customer Ron Small used Pro-Soil to produce 100 bushels per acre of soybeans. The article can be found below. How to Produce 100 Bushel Soybeans Indiana Corn and Soybean Producer Ron Small shares his secrets for raising 100 Bushel Soybeans five years in a row. A retired engineer […]

Biological Farming Tips

Pro-Soil relies heavily on biological farming to help farmers increase crop yields. Biological farming is a system that uses nature and science to build the quality of the soil with the understanding that healthy soil will be able to support healthy crops. Below are a few ways to take advantage of natural processes rather than […]

Interesting Soil Facts

As a leading manufacturer and distributor of natural soil nutrition, Pro-Soil are quite interested in all things soil. Below are several interesting soil facts. Soil is 49% Oxygen, 33% Silicone, 7% Aluminum, 4% Iron and 2% Carbon. There are 5000 to 7000 different species of bacteria in one gram of soil. The total living matter […]

The History of Agriculture

Pro-Soil is very interested in both the future and past of agriculture. Agriculture refers to the production of goods through the growing of plants and animals. Agricultural products include food, fibers, fuels, and pharmaceuticals among others. The history of agriculture is a central element of human history, as agricultural progress has been a crucial factor […]

Rebuilding Damaged Soils Through Crop Diversity

Continued from last week: Using a tool known as Soil Foodweb Analysis on the Menoken Farm, owned by the Burleigh County Soil Conservation District, Fuhrer showed total bacteria in the soil more than tripled from 2005 to 2010 and total fungi increased by about one-third. The soil was also initially low in beneficial nematode numbers, […]