Agricultural Sustainability

Optimum Crop Production with Microflora

As a leading manufacturer and distributor of natural soil nutrition and liquid plant food products that enhance the effects of fertilizer and stimulate plant growth, Pro-Soil Ag Solutions, Inc. is driven by our mission to help farmers improve the health of their soils and the quality of the crops they raise. Below is some helpful […]

Below Ground Management: 100 bushel Soybeans and 300 Bushel Corn

This distributor of natural soil nutrition and liquid plant food products that enhance the effects of fertilizer and stimulate plant growth is amazed that over the past 20 years our involvement with Below Ground Management and working with products that improve soil energy output, how many major farm magazine publications are finally catching on. We used […]

American Farmers Can Increase Crop Yield with Soil Nutrition

“American Farmers have started gradually easing from chemically intensive management to a system that nurtures our intrinsic soil life and creates healthier crops and more net profits for acre.” The above quote was taken from a major farm publication in 2002. Since that time there have been over a dozen articles published that further supports […]

Ideal Agricultural System

Pro-soil is interested in helping farmers increase crop yield. Our healthy soil products can help you create an ideal agricultural system. Read below to find out what makes an ideal system. Conceptual design is important in developing new technologies for utilizing beneficial and Effective Microorganisms for a more sustainable agriculture and en­vironment. The basis of […]

What Soil Respond Favorably to Below Ground Management Strategies

As a leading manufacturer and distributor of natural soil nutrition and liquid plant food products that enhance the effects of fertilizer and stimulate plant growth, we are often asked what soil types respond most favorably to Below Ground Management strategies. Keep in mind that we are working with Below Ground principles and improving soil energy […]

Increase Crop Yield Questions and Answers

Q:  If I am applying Pro-Soil products do I still need to use a nitrogen stabilizer or additional products that help make phosphorus more available to the plant? A:  As with any recommendation, many factors come into play involving the release of macro and micronutrients. Soil testing for the availability of nutrients as well as calcium to magnesium ratios, sulfur availability and heavy metal […]

Does Fertilizer Harm Soil Microbes?

Microbes in the soil are important to the nourishment of plants. Many of them facilitate the chemical conversions and physical transport needed to make nutrients available. Some people claim that soil microbes should supply all the nutrients needed by plants. Some also claim that applying soluble forms of plant nutrients harms the biology in the soil and reduces its […]

Improve Root System, Improve Crop Yields

As a leading manufacturer and distributor of natural soil nutrition and liquid plant food products that enhance the effects of fertilizer and stimulate plant growth, our primary focus is on the improvement of soil conditions, quality of crop and increased crop yields. In addition to evaluating the above ground portion of your crops, we also […]

Functions of Beneficial Microorganisms in Increased Crop Yields

Pro-Soil products can help you shift the microbio­logical equilibrium to enhance soil quality and the yield and quality of crops. Below are some common functions of beneficial and harmful soil microorganisms as they affect soil quality, crop production, and plant health. Functions of Beneficial Microorganisms Fixation of atmospheric nitrogen Decomposition of organic wastes and residues […]