American Farmers Can Increase Crop Yield with Soil Nutrition

“American Farmers have started gradually easing from chemically intensive management to a system that nurtures our intrinsic soil life and creates healthier crops and more net profits for acre.”

The above quote was taken from a major farm publication in 2002. Since that time there have been over a dozen articles published that further supports and validates one of the biggest changes in farming since the advent of fertilizers. Below are a few quotes from these major publications:

“Soil nutrition and stimulants, which can improve nutrient uptake, is rapidly becoming a valuable tool in a farmers best use arsenal.”

“By renewing more life in your soil and enhancing beneficial soil bacteria you can reduce the need for applied nitrogen and phosphorus on some crops.”

“A soil with high biological levels will plow easier, develop deeper plant roots and will have greater yield and quality potential.”

All of the above articles came from major farm publications, so we would like to ask you, what type of soil restoration program are you using now and what inputs are you currently making into your farm ground that are helping to improve your soil energy output?

Pro-Soil products can help you shift the microbio­logical equilibrium to enhance soil quality and the yield and quality of crops. To learn more about how you can improve soil quality naturally with microorganisms, please contact us today!