At Pro-Soil Ag Solutions, we believe that below ground soil management is the answer. Biological farming is the surest way to increase soil health and yield, and by treating your soil properly, you will have success for years to come. The primary focus of Pro-Soil Ag Solutions and our products is to improve soil conditions, […]
In our last few blogs we have been discussing the importance of soil management, microorganisms and Effective Microorganisms (EM) to soil. When are you consistently working and re-working your soil, excessive erosion begins to occur throughout the topsoil. Tillage and row-crop production causes extensive soil degradation and can add to groundwater pollution. The future of […]
“Microorganisms” are organisms that can be seen only with the aid of a microscope and that typically consists of only a single cell. Microorganisms include bacteria, protozoans, and certain algae and fungi. The uniqueness of microorganisms and their often unpredictable nature and biosynthetic capabilities, given a specific set of environmental and cultural conditions, have made […]
Soils can be characterized according to their in indigenous microflora which perform putrefactive, fermentative, synthetic and zymogenic reactions and processes. In most soils, these functions are going on simultaneously with the rate and extent of each determined by the types and numbers of associated microorganisms that are actively involved at any one time. Pro-Soil Ag […]
As a leading manufacturer and distributor of natural soil nutrition and liquid plant food products that enhances the effects of fertilizer and stimulate plant growth, we are often asked what soil types respond most favorably to Below Ground Management strategies. Keep in mind that we are working with Below Ground principles and improving soil energy […]
The rhizosphere is the zone of soil that surrounds the plant root. This zone is where the biology and the chemistry of the soil are influenced by the root – but, there is no distinct edge. The zone is about 1mm wide and is an area of intense biological and chemical activity. This area is […]
Enzymes and hormones are proteins. While all living cells produce enzymes and hormones, enzymes themselves are not alive. They function by altering other plant molecules by combining to form a complex molecular structure in which chemical reactions talce place. The enzyme and the hormone are true catalysts and separate from the product of the reaction. […]
Soils can be characterized according to their indigenous microflora which perform putrefactive, fermentative, synthetic and zymogenic reactions and processes. In most soils, these functions are going on simultaneously with the rate and extent of each determined by the types and numbers of associated microorganisms that are actively involved at anyone time. In disease-inducing soils, plant […]
From the time humans made the transition from hunter-gatherer societies to settled communities with a local agricultural base, the need has existed to improve the quantity and quality of our fruits, vegetables and grasses. Initial steps in this age-old undertaking included better selection of varieties for controlled propagation and improving agronomic practices related to tilling, […]
These soils are dominated by a microflora that can perform useful kinds of fermentation, i.e. , the breakdown of complex organic molecules into simple organic substances and inorganic materials. The organisms can be either obligate or facultative anaerobes. Such fennentation-producing microorganisms often comprise the microflora of various organic materials, i.e., crop residues, animal manures, green […]