Applying cultured beneficial and effective microorganisms to soils

The desired effects from applying cultured beneficial and Effective Microorganisms to soils can be somewhat vari­ able, at least initially. In some soils, a single application (i.e., inoculation) may be enough to produce the expected re­sults, while for other soils even repeated applications may appear to be ineffective. The reason for this is that in some soils it takes longer for the introduced micro­ organisms to adapt to a new set of eco­ logical and environmental conditions and to become well-established as a stable, effective and predominant part of the in­ digenous soil microflora. The important consideration here is the careful selection.

There are no meaningful or reliable tests for monitoring the establishment of mixed cultures of beneficial and Effective Microorganisms after application to a soil. The desired effects appear only after they are established and become domi­nant, and remain stable and active in the soil. The inoculum densities of the mixed cultures and the frequency of ap­plication serve only as guidelines to en­ hance the probability of early establish­ ment. Repeated applications, especially during the first cropping season, can markedly facilitate early establishment of the introduced Effective Microorganisms. Once the “new” microflora is established and stabilized, the desired effects will

Finally, it is far more likely that the microflora of a soil can be controlled through the application of mixed cultures of selected beneficial and Effective Micro­organisms than by the use of single or pure cultures. If the microorganisms com­prising the mixed culture can coexist and are physiologically compatible and mutu­ ally complementary, and if the initial in­ oculum density is sufficiently high, there is a high probability that these microorganisms will become established in the soil and will be effective as an associative group, whereby such positive interactions would continue. If so, then it is also highly probable that they will exercise considerable control over the indigenous soil microflora which, in due course, would likely be transformed into or re­ placed by a “new” soil microflora.

Pro-Soil Ag Solutions, Inc., manufacturer and distributor of natural soil nutrition and liquid plant food products that enhance the effects of fertilizer and stimulate plant growth, is driven by our mission to help farmers improve the health of their soils and the quality of the crops they raise.

Our products improve soil health by stimulating and feeding native microbial life in the soil which creates a higher yielding crop. To learn more about how you can increase photosynthetic inefficiencies, contact us today!