Why is Phosphorus So Important to Plants?

Are your crops getting adequate nutrients to reach their full potential? Crops can often suffer from a phenomenon known as phosphorus deficiency. Since phosphorus is essential for living things, a lack of this nutrient can have severe effects on your crop yield.

Phosphorus is second only to nitrogen as the most important nutrient for healthy and productive crops. It is used in vital plant processes that help store energy and initiate genetic reproduction. Therefore, when phosphorus is present in inadequate levels, plants may mature slower and not engage in efficient cell division.

importance of phosphorus in plants

To identify if your crops are experiencing phosphorus deficiency, Pro Soil recommends you first visually inspect your crops. Dark green leaves and a purple fading on the tips are a good indicator, but not all that common. To further analyze whether your plants are phosphorus-deficient, Pro Soil can run scientific tests on your soil by conducting a field evaluation.

From there, we will determine the correct biological formula to suit your crop’s needs. Tests have shown that our products are compatible with traditional fertilizers in almost all cases (For wheat crops: DO NOT mix our PS-Foundation 1-0-1 with any high phosphorous fertilizer). For more information or to schedule a field consultation, visit our contact page or call 903-769-5673 today.