Recycle Energy and Increase Crop Yields With the Help of Pro-Soil Products

Pro-Soil Ag Solutions and distributor of natural soil nutrition and liquid plant food products that enhance the effects of fertilizer and stimulate plant growth are always seeking ways to reach out to farmers across the globe to help boost crop productivity with our natural and effective products. We also like to remind and give friendly advice and practices that will help growers with their process and refine their growing operations.  Today we are going to highlight the practice and importance of recycling energy for crops during photosynthesis stage, which can help farmers with their operations.

As experienced growers know, agricultural production begins with the process of photosynthesis by green plants, which requires solar energy, wa­ter and carbon dioxide. It occurs through the plant’s ability to utilize solar energy in “fixing” atmospheric carbon dioxide into carbohydrates. The energy obtained is used for further biosynthesis in the plant, including essential amino acids and proteins. The materials used for agri­cultural production are abundantly available with little initial cost. However, when it is observed as an economic ac­tivity, the fixation of carbon dioxide by photosynthesis has an extremely low ef­ficiency mainly because of the low utili­zation rate of solar energy by green plants. Therefore, an integrated approach is needed to increase the level of solar en­ergy utilization by plants so that greater amounts of atmospheric carbon dioxide can be converted into useful substrates.

Studies have shown that photo­ synthetic efficiency of the chloroplasts of host crop plants cannot be increased much further; this means that their bio­ mass production has reached a maximum level. The best opportunity for increasing biomass production is to somehow utilize the visible light, which chloroplasts cannot presently use, and the infrared radiation; together, these comprise about 80 percent of the total solar energy. Also, we must explore ways of recycling organic energy contained in plant and animal residues through direct utilization of organic molecules by plants.

Improving the effectiveness of the photosynthesis stage for a more sustainable agriculture operation is not an easy task. However, by using our Pro-Soil products can help with boosting farming operations, save time and much more. Our Pro-Soil agricultural solutions can help growers achieve greater potential involving minimal inputs and maximum yields. In the long run, our products can help better manage the factors that drive input costs up and improve the health and quality of existing soil.

To learn more about our programs and products, give us a call at 1-800-714- 4903 or reach out to us online here.