Improving Agricultural Production – Soil Management, Cations and Biostimulants

The main concern for proper soil management is to focus on “nutrient balance.” In our last two blogs we dove into the importance of cations and biostimulants and their individual roles in soil health – in this installment, we will talk about the advantages (and best practices) of using cations and biostimulants in unison to create nutrient balance.

It is imperative to understand that many nutrients in healthy soil are insoluble. To get our hands on these much needed nutrients they must go through a microbial system, (living organisms within the eco-system of every soil in the world, also known as ‘soil life’) which make all nutrients exchangeable and available to plants.

Biostimulants and Cations

So, if we must have a microbial system in place first, it makes sense that having a strong biostimulant in place working with the microbial system will quicken and improve microbial soil activity, restoring your soil to the healthy balance it needs to sustain plant growth.
Because cations are inherent to the soil (more so with soil that contains clay elements), proper nutrient balance is the result of the happy collaboration of both cations and biostimulants.
In reality, to return a soil to its natural microbial activity, it would take years of no production on the land. But, using a quality biostimulant system that fuels microbial activity and cation relationships to the soil is the solution in reaching as close as possible to the original biological activity in the soil before production began.
Not only do biostimulants improve cation balance, they increase organic matter in the soil, reintroduce indigenous microbial populations and will return the crop to its original strength and color. With the right system in place, agricultural production will yield continued improvement in crops for three to five years.
Visit our soil products page to view Pro-Soil’s nutrition plans to get on the right path to revitalize your soil.