Healthy Soil Means Healthy Profits – Plain and Simple

PS-Foundation 1-0-1  has consistently boosted crop yields in comparative studies in Iowa, Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas and elsewhere with different hybrids, under a variety of conditions and in no-till to conventional tillage operations. Formulated with the intention to greatly stimulate key plant growth centers, especially within our soils, PS-FOUNDATION™ (1-0-1) is a plant and soil nutrient concentrate consisting of quality fertilizers, vitamins, enzymes, organic acids, chelated trace minerals, humates, kelp and a powerful non-ionic surfactant-compatible.

In independent, replicated trials on Corn and Soybeans conducted by Phoenix Technologies in Southwestern Kansas in 2008, Pro-Soil FOUNDATION improved yield performance by as much 11% –for on 8 to 1 return on investment. Current farming practices are contributing less than 3% of our total inputs toward doing anything that actually improves our native soils. Many of our tillage methods, chemicals and fertilizers are actually working against us. Years and years of continuing the same practices have left many of our soils biologically depleted and many of our nutrients tied-up and unavailable to the plant.

how to grow corn

how to grow soybeans

Additional results reported by The Phoenix Study include:


• Plants per foot of row: +1.37%
• %pod till (bottom 4 nodes): +2.14%
• %pod fill (top 4 nodes): + 1.52%
• Bean weight: +1.11%
• % Insect damage: -107.14%
• Yield: + 4.62 bu/a: +6.84%


• Improved water infiltration rate: +37.8%
• Plant populations (survivability): +3 .01%
• Kernel weight:  +2.86%
•Moisture level at harvest: +8% drier
• Increased yield: +10.76%

At Pro-Soil Ag Solutions we don’t have all the answers, but have shown time and again that we can help the farmer improve his soil’s biological health, thereby allowing complete conversion and uptake of nutrients.

The farmer gets more bang for his fertilizer buck and gradually reduces his inputs. Since efficiencies are improved, you make more net profit by lowering operational costs per acre!

Our products improve soil health by stimulating and feeding native microbial life in the soil which creates a higher yielding crop. To learn more about how you can increase your crop yield, contact us today!