PS-Foundation 1-0-1  has consistently boosted crop yields in comparative studies in Iowa, Indiana, Illinois,
Ohio, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas and elsewhere with different hybrids, under a variety of conditions and in no-till
to conventional tillage operations.

In independent, replicated trials on Corn and Soybeans conducted by Phoenix Technologies in Southwestern
Kansas in 2008, Pro-Soil FOUNDATION improved yield performance by as much 11% –for on 8 to 1 return on

Additional results reported by The Phoenix Study include:
• Plants per foot of row: +1.37%
• %pod till (bottom 4 nodes): +2.14%
• %pod fill (top 4 nodes): + 1.52%
• Bean weight: +1.11%
• % Insect damage: -107.14%
• Yield: + 4.62 bu/a: +6.84%

• Improved water infiltration rate: +37.8%
• Plant populations (survivability): +3 .01%
• Kernel weight:  +2.86%
•Moisture level at harvest: +8% drier
• Increased yield: +10.76%

Our products improve soil health by stimulating and feeding native microbial life in the soil which creates a higher yielding crop. To learn more about how you can increase your crop yield, contact us today!