Biological Farming

Increase Crop Yields: Preserve Natural Resources

We offer natural soil nutrition and liquid plant food products that enhance the effects of fertilizer and stimulate plant growth for a reason. The excessive erosion of topsoil from farmland  caused  by  intensive  tillage  and row-crop production has caused extensive soil  degradation  and  also  contributed   to the pollution  of both surface waters and groundwater. Organic […]

Increasing Crop Yields: What do living organisms do in the rhizosphere?

Pro-soil is interested in helping farmers increase crop yield. Our healthy soil products and an increased knowledge about living organisms do in the rhizosphere can help accomplish this goal. Read on to find out more. The rhizosphere is a center of intense biological activity due to the food supply provided by the root exudates. Bacteria, […]


Pro-Soil Ag Solutions, Inc. combines knowledge that goes back to early farming practices with modem organic molecular chemistry and biotechnology. The result is one of the biggest changes in farming since the advent of fertilizer – an innovative system that dramatically improves your soil’s ability to work for you. Improves it so well in fact, […]